Sequestering and dispersing agent
PERIQUEST APV can be used for a wide variety of applications where high soil suspension capacity and detergency are important, for example in washing and scouring of cotton articles, in dyeing cotton with reactive dyes and in soaping of reactive, vat and sulphur dyestuffs. The ability of removing cotton accompanying substances is improved thus saving the number of rinses required. PERIQUEST APV can be applied where polyphosphates have been used formerly. The only exceptions are liquors with cationic additions because the polymers react anionic.
PERIQUEST APV contains sequestering and complexing substances and has superior calcium and iron binding and dispersing properties having only a total phosphorous content below 0.5 %. The product is an excellent dispersing agent, it increases the detergency and the capacity of baths to keep removed soil in dispersion. This is of particular significance for short bath ratio systems. The dispersing effect serves to displace and keep in solution fibre accompanying substances, preparations and unfixed dyestuffs. PERIQUEST APV is able to avoid water glass deposits during cold pad-batch process. Despite its complexing components, PERIQUEST APV does not affect dyeing processes using metal containing dyes. PERIQUEST APV has a capacity of binding calcium at pH 10 of 35 mg calcium per g PERIQUEST APV, determined by boiling method. The capacity of binding iron at pH 10 is 350 mg iron (III) per g PERIQUEST APV.


SN: 1400116900


CAT: Dyeing
More information about PERIQUEST APV
Sylvia Palikowski, Application technology

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