Low foaming crease preventing agent with washing and softening properties
PERILAN RTP is suitable for all rope finishing processes of cotton, polyester and blends thereof to prevent crease marks and breaks.
PERILAN RTP is an excellent crease preventing agent with emulsifying and softening properties for the dyeing of cellulose, its blends with synthetics, and also for the dyeing of polyester at HT conditions. The product has no retarding effects. PERILAN RTP can also be used for pre-treatment and soaping processes. PERILAN RTP is an excellent lubricant for woven and knitted fabrics and prevents creases and breaks. It also has washing and oil emulsifying properties. PERILAN RTP is low foaming and can therefore be used on jets with good results.


SN: 1251820160


CAT: Dyeing
More information about PERILAN RTP
Sylvia Palikowski, Application technology

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