Antifoaming agent based on alcohol
PERIFOAM ESH is used in carpet dyeing, printing pastes, bleaching and dyeing liquors as well as sizing and finishing liquors.
PERIFOAM ESH is an antifoaming agent based on high-molecular alcohol. The main field of application of PERIFOAM ESH is where silicone antifoaming agents cannot be used. PERIFOAM ESH is particularly suitable for defoaming of finishing liquors and printing pastes but can also be used in dyeing and bleaching liquors. PERIFOAM ESH has further proven successful with spray dyeing and spray printing techniques of polyamide carpets where pH sensors may not be impaired by silicone defoamers.


SN: 1160519080


CAT: Dyeing
More information about PERIFOAM ESH
Sylvia Palikowski, Application technology

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