Bath exhaustion lubricant for fibre yarns made of polyester and polyamide for the application prior to or after dyeing
PERIFIL VP/R is used for lubrication of yarns made of polyester or polyamide and their blends with cellulosic fibres. The product is applied in bath exhaustion process. PERIFIL VP/R has been developed for the application in water with an increased degree of hardness (14 – 21 °dH) respectively increased conductivity (600 – 800 μS/cm). In case of water with a lower degree of hardness respectively conductivity the bath exhaustion is slowed down.
PERIFIL VP/R is an excellent lubricant for sewing and embroidery threads. The product is based on mostly oily substances. It has been developed for the use in water with increased hardness respectively conductivity. The lubricant is used for the finishing of fibre threads. It is applied prior to or after dyeing in the dyeing apparatus. The product exhausts water clear without leaving any residues in the dyeing apparatus. PERIFIL VP/R provides sewing threads of polyester and polyamide as well as blends thereof with cellulosic fibres with very good gliding properties and efficiently impairs a stick slip effect. The heat of the needle which is transferred to the thread is absorbed by the layer of the lubricant, thus damaging of yarn and fabric is avoided. The product increases the abrasion resistance of the threads and reduces the abrasion of fibre hairs and surface oligomeres significantly. By the antistatic effect of PERIFIL VP/R charges which may arise during processing are impaired. Due to its versatile functionality, PERIFIL VP/R ensures a perfect processing of the yarns under the most difficult conditions. PERIFIL VP/R has nearly no self-colour, is very resistant to yellowing and does not impair the lustre of embroidery yarns using the recommended application quantity.


SN: 1102216180


CAT: Yarn Lubricants
More information about PERIFIL VP/R
Sylvia Palikowski, Application technology

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