Sizing agent for fibre yarns made of natural fibres and blends with synthetic fibres
EKAGUM TS-34 is a water soluble sizing agent for all kinds of staple fibre yarns. The product is compatible with common sizing agents.
With EKAGUM TS-34 low viscous, non-foaming and viscosity-stable liquors with excellent adhesion can be produced. The product offers a soft handle to the warp yarns. Therefore it is used for smoothening and softening of yarns or woven fabrics. The resulting size film has a high elasticity. The product improves the easy separation of warp yarns in the dry dividing zone and reduces hairiness and clinging of sized yarns as well as dust formation in sizing and weaving processes. EKAGUM TS-34 can be easily removed from the woven fabric by washing at 80 °C. Adding a wetting and washing agent accelerates the washing process. The product is biodegradable and does not impair enzymatical desizing processes.


SN: 1059080034


CAT: Sizing Agents
More information about EKAGUM TS-34
Sylvia Palikowski, Application technology

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