Dispersion of micro capsules and perfume
Using PERICOAT MICRO R/PU textiles made of native or synthetic fibres can be finished with a long lasting fragrance. The product is applicable on all textiles which are exposed to mechanical friction (for example garments or mattress covers).
PUS (based on polyurethane) or PERIPRET PW (based on polyacrylate). The binder is self-crosslinking at a fixation temperature of 150 °C, thus the micro capsules are fixed on the fibre permanently. Fabrics finished with PERICOAT MICRO R/PU are resistant to ten or more household wash cycles (fine wash 40 °C).  The perfume in the micro capsules is released step by step by friction during the usage of the textile.


SN: 1071318160


CAT: Finishing
More information about PERICOAT MICRO R/PU
Sylvia Palikowski, Application technology

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