Deaerator and penetration accelerator for water and oil repellent finishings
PERIWET DFC is applied in -fluorocarbon finishings for water and oil repellency -dyeing and bleaching liquors -various finishing liquors
PERIWET DFC is a deaerator and penetration accelerator for the usage in water and oil repellent finishings. Furthermore, PERIWET DFC can be used universally for all kinds of fibres as wetting and deaerating agent. The product displaces the air adhering to the material and thus allows for a fast wetting of the textile. As PERIWET DFC is based on alcohols and does not contain surfactants it does not have a rewetting effect. PERIWET DFC does not impair the water and oil repellent effects of fluorocarbon finishings.


SN: 1820406030


CAT: Finishing
More information about PERIWET DFC
Sylvia Palikowski, Application technology

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