PERICOAT VA 100 liq.

Polymer dispersion for coating and impregnation of technical textiles
PERICOAT VA 100 liq. is eminently suitable for the finishing of self adhesive tapes, films or labels. The product can be used in blends with various stiffer polymers for anti-slip coatings. In combination with other polymer dispersions PERICOAT VA 100 liq. is suitable for the fixing of pile materials (for example upholstery fabrics) or for the coating of technical textiles.
PERICOAT VA 100 liq. is a copolymer of vinyl acetate, ethylene and acrylate. The product forms very soft and sticky films.


SN: 1072211003


CAT: Coating
More information about PERICOAT VA 100 liq.
Sylvia Palikowski, Application technology

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