Polymeric protective colloid for the production and processing of plastics in printing pastes and moisturizer in finishing liquors with very high solid content
PERICOAT COMPOUND POX is used as protective colloid and emulsifier for the paste dot coating with thermoplastic powder adhesives. The product leads to a very fine and constant dot transfer during the process of the pastes. Due to the addition of PERICOAT COMPOUND POX to polymer liquors deposits on the roller can be reduced.
PERICOAT COMPOUND POX improves the stability and processability of paste dot printing pastes. The combination of different polyglycol ether allows for the production of a very fine and stable printing paste even when using low quantities only. For the use in polymer liquors PERICOAT COMPOUND POX reduces deposits on the roller.


SN: 1070381820


CAT: Coating
More information about PERICOAT COMPOUND POX
Sylvia Palikowski, Application technology

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